tutorial iconiTunes Remote Control

Step 1

Open new document 500x300 pixels. Choose as background color a dark color or anything else but not white or light colors. Make a new layer and with your Rounded Rectangular Tool draw a rectangular and fill it up with white.

iTunes Remote Control

Add some shadow by going to Layer->Layer Style->Drop Shadow and setting everything like in the image.

iTunes Remote Control

Step 2

Make a new layer. Set the foreground color to #e8e6cf. In the upper right corner, not to close to the edge, draw a rectangular. Because the foreground is that light yellow, the rectangular will have the same color.

iTunes Remote Control

Go to Layer->Layer Style->Inner Shadow to add some shadow to the new rectangular. Set everything like in the image.

iTunes Remote Control

To add some glassy effect, open another layer. With the Rectangular Marquee Tool draw a rectangular over the upper half of the yellow rectangular. Fill it with white and set the opacity to 29%. Now add some text.

iTunes Remote Control

Step 3

Open a new layer. With your Elliptical Marquee Tool draw a circle in the left side of the remote (that is empty). Fill it up with Gradient. Use #f5f5f5 and #ebecee.

iTunes Remote Control

To look like a button, add some shadow. Layer->Layer Style->Drop Shadow.

iTunes Remote Control

The remote is done. The final result should look like this.

iTunes Remote Control

Filed under Photoshop Tutorials

Tags: photoshop, photoshop+tutorials, tutorials, graphics, design, adobe































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